The fears of a foster mother to a young adult with Down’s syndrome who is experiencing undiagnosed pain and overwhelming seizures.
Dementia and whole person care
A medical student explores the challenges of connecting with residents in care-homes suffering from dementia and presents an insightful case-study
Sitting Opposite Miss Havisham
A photographic construction of a patient’s experience of agrophobia and anxiety
Fragmented Identity
A stark portrayal of identity-construction post-stroke
A lyrical interpretation of respiratory challenges
Little Girl Lost
An illustrated poem reflecting turning points within cycles of depression
The way the doctor sees the patient and how the doctor sees themselves
A portrayal of how parts of a patient’s care can be missed by a lack of holistic care
The Twilight Years
Poignant narrative about a widow’s first day as a resident in a care home
Alzheimer’s Disease
Portrait depicting the isolation of Alzheimer’s disease
Trapped by Disease
The will to hold onto self-identity within rapidly advancing motor neuron disease
Dr Jones always tried to put himself in his patients shoes
How best can medics achieve this?
Hello Human
This felt portrait focuses on the need to touch and be touched from the perspectives of both clinician and patient
Things were rubbish until Josie came to love me
The pivotal role of dogs as companions for those living with disability
Touching Patients
Junior doctor comforting an elderly, recently bereaved man in a hospital corridor
A home-visit to elderly man provides an unexpected chink of connection through spirituality
Silence is the loudest cry – my approach to depression
Complexities around presenting with anxiety and depression – an informative, patient-based context
I would like you to relieve my pain
Insights into the challenges of supporting chronic pain through case-studies and clinical context
The effect of medical team-work on patient care
An analysis of interconnected network supporting holistic patient care in hospital
Pencil Drawing of an Old Man
Institutionalization and de-personalization in hospital healthcare
A wheel-chair user’s lived experience is ignored by her GP while a man-to-man chat ensues with her companion
The Renal Transplant Ordeal
The complexities of a kidney transplant, a student’s concern regarding the objectification of the patient in the name of cutting-edge research
The monster under the bed
Undetected socio-emotional issues which may surface following discharge
Stress in Medical Practice
Opening up conversations about stress in medical practice
A personal account of depression – family and peer response and stigma around revealing mental health issues
Feeble, Precarious, Existence
A doctor’s perspective whilst dying of heart disease – empty bed and candles
Climate Transformation and Health Deterioration
Global health and socio-emotional impact on already burdened communities.
Losing the sense of time passing through drawing
Experimentation with vibrant colours, inspired by the ocean
Illustration of the varied stages of a bird’s life
Paint my Canvas
A student chooses to minutely absorb and process a deeply shared patient experience around terminal illness using poetry as method of learning from this privileged gift
An Excerpt From The Diary Of A Patient
Personal account of patient as undisclosed medic hearing her devastating diagnosis unwittingly revealed in clinical shorthand
The Constant Carer
An insight into caring within marriage
Doctors in the Movies
A humorous comparison between historical and contemporary models of consultation and home-visit
False Hope
The complexities of diagnosis and prognosis following a sudden bereavement
Poignant musings about the student’s younger sister and potentially diminishing bonds
A dying elderly man being comforted by his wife at his hospital bedside – discussion around withholding further medical intervention
Brother and Sister
Painting of the artist as a child with her sibling, from a long-lost photograph and this image becoming a talisman for the extended family
Some Kind of Miracle
Narrative from the perspective of a child about her terminally-ill mother coming home from hospital for Xmas, then remaining in remission for several years
Ninety-two paper hearts to represent the loss of the artist’s father to heart disease
Christine began documenting her environment in a sketchbook between group sessions and later moved towards imagined possibilities and cherished goals
My Life
A word and textile tribute to ‘The Heart’
The Streets of London
A familiar piece of music suddenly resonated powerfully with Lorna opening welcome appreciation of other ways of being