Solar Eclipse of the Eye
Living with acquired tetraplegia leads a student to re-consider the nature of embodiment – ‘after meeting Peter I question the need for our body at all’
Framed by Anxiety
A representation of the artist’s mother’s long-standing depression as a textile hanging inspired by a Celtic text
A sensory, tactile 3-D representation celebrating those close at hand
Anatomical Art
Art and anatomy intersect to further skills and understanding
Close-up: images of the body
‘The art has already been created, we just need to be reminded sometimes that it is still there’
Inspired by a message within the play ‘Cancer Tales’- this work highlights respect the patient’s story and their individuality
Writing as a process of identity exploration and creative resource
Helen’s Heart
The sensitive balance of emotional support and cognitive challenge in nurturing holistic well-being for children living with disability
Matthew John – Died Aged 9 Days
The longitudinal, emotional impact of an infant’s death from the obstetrician’s perspective
Infectious Love
The role of emotional healing within well-being for self and others
We Do Not Yet See Clearly But Hope is Gold
An evocative narrative, taking a universal approach to explore the role of hope within terminal illness
I Can Only Hope
The desire to maintain heart-felt life-values across time
‘There will always be shadows on the land ..’ the dynamic balance between health and illness
One Small Drop
A philosophical, systems-thinking exploration with global implications
The Meaning of War
Illustrating the futility of war, and its human cost
When Conventional Drugs Fail Try Placebo
Exploring the complexities of the human mind in relation to therapeutics
My First Patient
Soldier confronted by desperate parents giving his water bottle to their child
The Truth
After visiting a children’s cancer-ward in Malaysia – the author speculates about ‘the gateway between life and death’
The Mirror of Perspective
Is death always a bad thing? The artist considers alternative viewpoints in context
My Experience of the Dissection Room
A searingly honest account of a student’s attempts to make the transition from individuals to educational cadavers
Figures carrying ‘secret’ health issues
Life in the Glasshouse
A terminally ill patient bodily connected to various machinery processes being on the threshold between life and death
The Window to the Patient
A celebration of the uniqueness of each individual
A pivotal domestic reminder holds a father back from taking his own life
The emotional aftermath of an unwanted termination
Homonymous Hemianopia
Humorous poem about the impact of a stroke and the daily challenges of living with only seeing half of your immediate environment
Prose from the viewpoint of young girl with her mother in consultation -unable to get word in edgewise
Disabled Mind
A teenager with a cleanliness phobia, perpetual hand-cleaning, turns inwards
Old Addicts
Poem about the precariousness of drug addiction
Imagine if?
Images of fruit and vegetables humorously positioned to represent significant and common patients’ clinical anxieties
Postnatal Depression
Powerful image and poem describing the agonizing physical and emotional impact of a traumatic childbirth
The Empathetic Doctor
Composite figure questioning assumptions and identification from cultural/social/gendered/racial and ageist perspectives
Synthesized image inspired by a patient living with distorted vision, fragile balance, and further complications
Image of woman who has lost her child during early pregnancy – in the hands of her sensitive G.P.
The Slipper and the Shoe
A terminally-ill patient’s slipper and the shoe are symbolic of his attitude to life – never to give up
On the Outside
The universally shared complexities and challenges of emotionally supporting others
My Real Image
Patients carry the pain and fear of their loved-ones within their individual medical journey
Unhappy for 9 Years
Living with loss
The Destruction of Stigma
A graphic illustration and documentation of a young man’s acceptance of his HIV diagnosis
It’s all in the genes
A family’s challenges around the acceptance and perceptions of their daughter living with Downs Syndrome
No one
A poetic processing of living with OCD
Face Value
Prose about a young medic feeling he had connected with a patient yet finding her case-notes revealed a very different story