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Infectious Love

Katherine Turner

I chose to base my creative piece on a quote by Sathya Sai Baba who is a South Indian guru; religious figure and educator- “Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.”

This quote struck me because I’ve always thought of infection as a negative thing but it is true that when those around you are loving and caring, it is infectious: you too feel more inclined to love and care for others. I feel this was demonstrated throughout my time on GP placements. In retrospect, all the patients I met who were suffering from depression, or even just general malaise, were all in situations with a distinct lack of love. For some, this was because their loved ones had died whilst others were trapped in unhappy relationships. These individuals seemed to find coping with their conditions much more difficult than those who were surrounded by loved ones. Observations such as this have been investigated and there is evidence to support the idea that stressful life events and strong negative emotions are linked to immune-related diseases (psychoneuroimmunology). It is also commonly accepted that mental illnesses such as depression are associated with the presentation of physical symptoms such a change in appetite or weight, unexplained aches, changes in the menstrual cycle and disturbed sleep patterns. I have always found it interesting to see how closely the mind and body are entwined and I am intrigued by ideas such as utilising the placebo effect in order to treat physical illness. To me, evidence of these links shows the importance of spending that little extra time with a patient in distress because in order for them to heal physically, emotional healing may be a prerequisite.

The first image that was conjured-up when I thought of infection was the well-publicised image of someone sneezing and all the salivary droplets spreading through the air (image: I decided to base my visual piece on this image because I wanted it to appear, at first glance, to show nothing more than the spread of infectious pathogens. It is not until one looks more closely that they realise the ‘infection’ is actually love.

Whole Person Care, Year One 2010