Doors of Perception
The collection, called ‘Doors of Perception’, contains examples of vigorous flexing of the imaginal muscle: patients in the foetal position in the waiting room; a visualisation of trigeminal neuralgia; Haikus on depression, the search for hope in extreme adversity; the knot as a metaphor of extreme complexity; imagined conversations between a wife and dying husband; a humorous depiction of living with hemianopia.
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Doors of Perception
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Use the OOOH!! filter system below to locate all the works in OOOH!! which use a particular medium. The dropdown list “Perspectives” will reveal all. You can then narrow your search by choosing additional dropdown categories such as Art Forms and Diagnoses.
Matthew John – Died Aged 9 Days
The longitudinal, emotional impact of an infant’s death from the obstetrician’s perspective
Infectious Love
The role of emotional healing within well-being for self and others
We Do Not Yet See Clearly But Hope is Gold
An evocative narrative, taking a universal approach to explore the role of hope within terminal illness
I Can Only Hope
The desire to maintain heart-felt life-values across time
‘There will always be shadows on the land ..’ the dynamic balance between health and illness
One Small Drop
A philosophical, systems-thinking exploration with global implications
The Meaning of War
Illustrating the futility of war, and its human cost
When Conventional Drugs Fail Try Placebo
Exploring the complexities of the human mind in relation to therapeutics
My First Patient
Soldier confronted by desperate parents giving his water bottle to their child
The Truth
After visiting a children’s cancer-ward in Malaysia – the author speculates about ‘the gateway between life and death’
The Mirror of Perspective
Is death always a bad thing? The artist considers alternative viewpoints in context
My Experience of the Dissection Room
A searingly honest account of a student’s attempts to make the transition from individuals to educational cadavers
Figures carrying ‘secret’ health issues
Life in the Glasshouse
A terminally ill patient bodily connected to various machinery processes being on the threshold between life and death
The Window to the Patient
A celebration of the uniqueness of each individual
Head Pain
Emotional or physical pain? – a hospital experience triggers the artist to reflect on the presentation and nature of symptoms in general
Too Young To Understand
A child unaware her mother is terminally ill and the moving description of a GP consultation orchestrated to protect her from this knowledge
Pandora’s Box
Auto-immune disorder wreaks emotional havoc for both the clinician-patient and his family
A mother’s mixed emotions around pregnancy and her unborn child and the future
A visual interpretation of a patient’s physical and psychological state post-stroke
Metaphorical painting of renewal following traumatic episodes inspired by the artist’s lived experience
An elderly merchant seaman’s embodiment and identity seemingly affected by the surgical destruction of a prized tattoo
I am Like an Onion
Meeting an elderly lady with depression – haunted by her horrific childhood experiences in wartime Germany
Hearts Connect
‘Meeting’ the patient in an authentic way – in a memorable consultation
The Veil
The impossibility of cognitively coming to terms with news of a young baby’s imminent death
Kidney Flower
A patient living well with kidney disease is profoundly inspiring to the artist
The Eyes are the Window to The Soul
The artist suggests an important role of the doctor includes observing patients’ unspoken feelings
A powerful poem around survival inspired by a prisoner of war in Burma who now finds himself dying from cancer as was the case for his recently and abruptly deceased wife
Two Women
The emotional fragility of fertility and socio/cultural context
Waiting Rooms
The surgery waiting room – exploring the body language of vulnerability
Medical Dilemma
An elderly woman in acute pain, balancing the level of pain-killers in question