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Waiting Rooms

Tim Graham

I have thoroughly enjoyed working on my creative piece and found it fixating. It was challenging to formulate a concept and then develop it into the finished piece. I drew inspiration from a diagram I found online from a medical textbook showing a lumbar puncture being performed. I thought it interesting that in order to perform this procedure the patient is required to adopt the foetal position – a defensive position adopted by the vulnerable. I then thought of alternative scenarios where patients feel vulnerable. In the drawing the individual is sitting in a chair (though their body is still in foetal position). Interestingly it does not look at all unnatural to sit in that posture – though I hoped it would invoke, alongside the bareness of the figure, a sense of subtle vulnerability.

It is not clear why the patient is feeling vulnerable whether they are waiting for an appointment, news about someone close to them, or perhaps recovering from receiving bad news – but that is not really important. All of these are scenarios where patients may feel anxious, vulnerable and afraid, and this is about an empathetic response to that person.

Whole Person Care – Year Four