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Medicine has a talent for typology – for taking a collection of disturbing tests and symptoms and synthesising them into a unitary diagnosis. OOOH!! has many artworks that reflect on the travails of particular diagnoses of mind and body.

Selected Artworks

OOOH!! can be used to illuminate our understand of diagnoses as diverse as trigeminal neuralgia, autism, cardiomyopathy, dementia , anorexia and pemphigus vulgaris. It is pleasing too that a majority of artworks tackle themes that transcend any particular diagnosis.

OOOH!! Search & Filter

Use the OOOH!! filter system below to locate all the works dealing with a particular diagnosis. The dropdown list “Diagnoses” will reveal all. You can then narrow your search by choosing additional dropdown categories such as Art Forms and Specialties.

Medical Dilemma

Medical Dilemma

Rebecca Probert

An elderly woman in acute pain, balancing the level of pain-killers in question



Margaret Williams

The poet observes a child with autism absorbed in play and feels privileged to be invited to join her world



Sarah Saunders

Ninety-two paper hearts to represent the loss of the artist’s father to heart disease




A hospital visit to a friend profoundly altered bodily and mentally whilst being treated for an eating disorder


Medicine has a talent for typology – for taking a collection of disturbing tests and symptoms and synthesising them into a unitary diagnosis. OOOH!! has many artworks that reflect on the travails of particular diagnoses of mind and body.

OOOH!! can be used to illuminate our understand of diagnoses as diverse as trigeminal neuralgia, autism, cardiomyopathy, dementia , anorexia and pemphigus vulgaris. It is pleasing too that a majority of artworks tackle themes that transcend any particular diagnosis.

OOOH!! Search & Filter

Use the OOOH!! filter system below to locate all the works in OOOH!! which use a particular medium. The dropdown list “Perspectives” will reveal all. You can then narrow your search by choosing additional dropdown categories such as Art Forms and Diagnoses.

Flying with the Ravens

Flying with the Ravens

Lucy McNair

The all-clear four years after a cancer diagnosis brings heady new horizons

Reach Out

Reach Out

Ian Mutanga

Personal insight into medical student stress and the role of counselling

‘But Gampo, your carpet’s dirty’

‘But Gampo, your carpet’s dirty’

Elena Priestman

The author as a child’s attempts to process being alongside a dying relative and reflections around how is grief is experienced across time

The art of adding beauty to the brain

The art of adding beauty to the brain

Afrida Hussain

A GP’s approach to living with dementia as an opportunity for growth in herself offers unorthodox, positive, alternatives

Reflections on the Human Form

Reflections on the Human Form

Marie-Claire Bradley, et al.

Drawing on historical and current perspectives to exploring the richness of human form

Up Close and Personal

Up Close and Personal

James Ask, Joanne Buckingham, Sophie Cooper, Liam Craddock, Timothy Fitzsimmons, Louis Goff, Rama Hattab, Rachel Jackson, Aarti Jalan, Katie Lupton

Balancing anatomy and living presence through portraiture



Eleanor Weaver

The hospital as an intricate, delicately balanced community

Enslaved Mind

Enslaved Mind

Ally Jaffee

Moving beyond our habitual patterns of thought to enhance living creatively – how frozen thought plays a role in mental health

Think Like a Tree

Think Like a Tree

Mariella Williams

Exploring how looking after ourselves and others holistically might help to reduce the reliance and pressures on our healthcare system

Balancing Boats and Bodies

Balancing Boats and Bodies

Matilda Fuller

Seeking what provides each unique individual with the resilience to thrive

Sewing yourself back together

Sewing yourself back together

Lucy Dundas, Anna Kharas, Fergus McNeile, Leif Moreau, Chloe Parsons, Jai Patel, Annie Rylance, Shruthi Sankaranarayanan, Thompson, Caitlin Xerri

Free-hand embroidery based on exploration of alternative therapies to support post-natal depression.

JK’s Story

JK’s Story

Kathleen Rafferty

A patient’s story following a traumatic family incident through addiction and isolation to a hard-won re-connection to society and regaining well-being

Living with Genetic Diseases

Living with Genetic Diseases

William Mephan

Living with genetic conditions: identity and self-worth through the metaphor of a child’s experience of society and lack of agency

The Individuality of Illness

The Individuality of Illness

Katherine Parker

Three patients’ diverse approaches to challenging medical conditions are sensitively explored and interpreted through imagery and deeply considered prose

Beyond Physical Boundaries

Beyond Physical Boundaries

Aiman Dilnawaz

The significance of giving space to the unknown in consultations

Under the Iceberg

Under the Iceberg

Katrina Ashford et al.

Individual barriers to seeking clinical help

Between the Cracks

Between the Cracks

Min Joo Kim et al.

A doctor’s primary duty is patient care; however, what about their own well-being?

Teflon Man

Teflon Man

Mal O’Donnell

A patient reflects on his doctor’s delivery of a cancer diagnosis

Little Things (I missed you)

Little Things (I missed you)

Adriana Ford

An inside perspective on the role of the arts whilst living with a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment leads to an international creative initiative

Sweat, Blood and Tears

Sweat, Blood and Tears

Emma Ferreira

A student’s personal experience of living with diabetes

Canadian Geese

Canadian Geese

Helen Crowley

A mother and daughter share their appreciation of natural forms and systems and walking as a nurturing connection

Life’s Last Chapter

Life’s Last Chapter

Katie Driver

A grand-daughter’s insight into the nurturing role of the natural environment both at first and second-hand at the end of life

Inflamed and Untamed

Inflamed and Untamed

Haya Mohammed

A sister describes the physiological and psychological of impact brother’s journey from the onset of Ulcerative Colitis and the impact on close family

The Art of Medicine

The Art of Medicine

Paapa Appiah Odame

The role of perception, presence, personalised approach and pattern recognition in patient consultations

Dementia and the Sense of Self

Dementia and the Sense of Self

Sarah Burge

‘I am not what I say or what I do or what I remember. I am fundamentally more than that’




A hospital visit to a friend profoundly altered bodily and mentally whilst being treated for an eating disorder

Resilience in Dancers

Resilience in Dancers

Jasmine Bailey

Dreams of dancing as a profession shattered by injury and a frank exploration of healthy and unhealthy embodiment within the discipline of dance

The D.R.

The D.R.

Eleanor Frost

The poet processes her first time in the Dissection Room

Breaking News

Breaking News

Ben Offa-Jones

Concern around physical and mental exhaustion impairing future sensitive communications with patients and relatives



Eleanor Talbot

Respecting the patient’s identity and emotions equally alongside of equal value in the face of clinical interventions



Olivia Bell

Processing the devastating impact of a diagnosis of clinical depression witnessed in a GP consultation through layers of painting

Jane Doe

Jane Doe

Kitty Wong

An intricate, sensitive analysis of consultation objectives and provision of appropriate holistic support.

Bad News

Bad News

Toluwaniyin Owoso

The perils of clinical burnout and preventative measures are discussed



Damien Mony

The weight of responsibility in patient-care and maintaining work/life balance