The dynamic of familial care
An illuminating model of caring for loved ones
The Passing of Time
The fragility of identity in later years
Patterns of Anxiety
Mental health issues across lockdowns
10 Minutes
Time-pressured consultations
Broken Bristol
Reverberations of a distorted introduction to your University location
‘The Current Situation’
The professional and personal impact of remote consultations on both healthcare staff and patients
The complexities of embedding medical learnings from within a remote capsule
Snatched Expectations
Making meaning of remote education over turbulent times
Teddy Steps Up
Home-based improvisation in medical education immortalised
Our Shared Humanity
Universal, positive, responses surface within the bleak context of the Pandemic
In-depth observation of patients in hospital during the Pandemic offers deep learning
Volunteering at a Vaccine Clinic
The role of medical humanities in cross-communities healthcare
The experience of being a first-year during co-vid
Questions around self-identity, community and educational expectations triggered by the Pandemic
Challenges to learning and wellbeing in the pandemic gives rise to an unexpected creative resource
A surprisingly memorable online consultation
A patient’s spontaneous response makes a student’s day
From a Distance
The tight-rope of students’ maintaining wellbeing and mental health across the Pandemic
Chamomile: patience in adversity
A vaccination clinic nurtures hope and light
Abdominal Portaiture
Intestinal sculptures reveal unique medical narratives
My Body – My Decision?
Women’s rights and life-changing medical interventions
Accessibility Issues: turning the tables
Barriers to basic, everyday-life
Pillow Talk
Improvisation in remote medical education
Mental Health in Medical Students
Renewed respect for the capacity of the brain under pressure
One step at a time
Managing the steep hill of study in lockdown
Loving a missing lover
The emotional toll of grieving whilst caring for a life-partner
Imposter Syndrome
Underlying student anxieties starkly surfaced by the Pandemic
What’s in front of you
Visceral encounters in the DR
Homelessness – an inside view
Healthcare perspectives around Homelessness
Chalk and Cheese
Individual difference in processing immediate experience
Tackling Menstruation Stigma
‘Natural’ bodily functions and Taboos
A rare medical incident highlights the role of care within surgical intervention
The Beginning
A unique documentation of the Pandemic trajectory and legacy
Desk Day
Medical Education in lockdown
Virtual Fog
Reflections around the impact of Covid-19 on medical education reveals a surprising outcome.
The complexities of remote consultations
Beneath the Dura Mater
The balancing act of self-care and caring for others viewed from both physiological and psychological perspectives.
Beyond the patient – Little Girl’s Lullaby
Hearing and being cherished, both life-lines for a spirited young girl with multiple medical challenges, inspired a remarkable composition
The Fabric of Being Human
Learning alongside recovering amputees causes the artist to question the fundamentals of traditional embodiment
The Shadowed Carer
The huge contribution of home-carers to society and their well-being is highlighted during a GP consultation
Understanding the True Burden
Strong bonds of family love sustaining a mother living with a chronic and acute ill-health are explored through voice, music and movement
Reflecting on Grief
Recent family bereavement leads this artist to deeply process her hard-won philosophy around life and death – and that of patients
Giving and Receiving
Donorship – a circle of trust within medical education
The Role of Technology in Healthcare
When faced with the choice between traditional healthcare professionals and new artificial intelligence – who would you trust to be in charge of your care?