Framed by Anxiety
A representation of the artist’s mother’s long-standing depression as a textile hanging inspired by a Celtic text
A representation of the artist’s mother’s long-standing depression as a textile hanging inspired by a Celtic text
A sensory, tactile 3-D representation celebrating those close at hand
Art and anatomy intersect to further skills and understanding
‘The art has already been created, we just need to be reminded sometimes that it is still there’
Inspired by a message within the play ‘Cancer Tales’- this work highlights respect the patient’s story and their individuality
Writing as a process of identity exploration and creative resource
The sensitive balance of emotional support and cognitive challenge in nurturing holistic well-being for children living with disability
The longitudinal, emotional impact of an infant’s death from the obstetrician’s perspective
The role of emotional healing within well-being for self and others
An evocative narrative, taking a universal approach to explore the role of hope within terminal illness
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