The initial disconnecting and isolating aspect of pain and illness – and relief when a web of support emerges
The initial disconnecting and isolating aspect of pain and illness – and relief when a web of support emerges
‘The miracle of life is not to live – but to be alive’: the doctor’s role in supporting patients to address self-depleting patterns
The poet observes a child with autism absorbed in play and feels privileged to be invited to join her world
Birth and death, joy and grief – bound up in exceptional circumstances
Image from the perspective of a elderly patient whose world is rapidly shrinking due to anxiety about her infirmity
Metaphorical musing around depression as something which cannot be shaken off
The tension between the will to thrive and a body cumulatively challenged by ill-health
Concern for a young woman patient living with chronic pain and skin disfigurement – compounded by a detached parent
A carer places her considerable health issues at one remove despite her GP’s concerns
An insight into the impact a diagnosis of breast cancer upon a close-knit family
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