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Hayley Penhale

As the sun rises in the east and
sets in the west,
life’s transient moments
pass me by, sailing swiftly on
soothing winds that never say ‘goodbye’.

With one blink I am forever blind.
Never sensing one’s look, never
feeling one’s smile.
Being a bird with golden wings
who is grounded all a while.

All around me people stop and stare,
their dawning realisation of what
is really there. A world of sumptuous sensuality
just waiting for us to taste,
like a bird finding its wings and flying away in haste.

The miracle of life is not to live
but to be alive. To grasp our happiness
and allow us to thrive.
I know now I must stop and stare
and realise what is really there.

I wrote this poem to explain what it really means to be alive. Life is full of transient, intangible moments, many of which pass us by. I feel as a doctor we really need to understand what it is to really be alive as it isn’t just somebody’s physical health that keeps them well. This poem attempts to explore the isolation life can bring when searching for a sense of fulfillment. As a doctor we should aim to relieve this isolation.
Whole Person Care – Year One