Sweat, Blood and Tears
A student’s personal experience of living with diabetes
A student’s personal experience of living with diabetes
A mother and daughter share their appreciation of natural forms and systems and walking as a nurturing connection
A grand-daughter’s insight into the nurturing role of the natural environment both at first and second-hand at the end of life
The fragile nature of supporting anxiety from the perspective of a daughter and carer : clinical and personal perspectives
A sister describes the physiological and psychological of impact brother’s journey from the onset of Ulcerative Colitis and the impact on close family
A daughter’s insight into her mother’s healing process and an exploration into the concept of self-healing and holism
The role of perception, presence, personalised approach and pattern recognition in patient consultations
‘I am not what I say or what I do or what I remember. I am fundamentally more than that’
A hospital visit to a friend profoundly altered bodily and mentally whilst being treated for an eating disorder
Dreams of dancing as a profession shattered by injury and a frank exploration of healthy and unhealthy embodiment within the discipline of dance
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