Women surgeons’ experiences of abuse by male colleagues
Women surgeons’ experiences of abuse by male colleagues
Water and Well-Being: Creative methodologies support meaningful connections between ecosystems
Bristol Medical School is committed to helping our future doctors become ‘ocean and water literate’ and hopes this ongoing, online resource will contribute to the growing research around ‘Blue Health’…
A multi-media interactive installation and creative enquiry around arts and well-being
Creative responses to the impact of the pandemic on medical education.
Insights into the pleasures and predicaments of contemporary clinical practice through artistic works of medical students and patients.
Student creative pieces from the 2020 Intercalated B.A. in Medical Humanities
Hearing and being cherished, both life-lines for a spirited young girl with multiple medical challenges, inspired a remarkable composition
Learning alongside recovering amputees causes the artist to question the fundamentals of traditional embodiment
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