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Part the Ocean

Gareth Campbell


As part of an interdisciplinary team, I am exploring alternative forms of science communication such as virtual reality and visual art to share the impact of water purification membranes on our lives.

Working with a team of chemical engineering researchers from the University of Bath and creatives from Bath Spa’s Innovation Hub, The Studio we are liaising with the public to find out ways of captivating them with new technologies that we take for granted. As part of this collaboration I have created this abstract painting: ‘Part the Ocean’. It is inspired by an electron microscopy image of a graphene oxide membrane. The colour palette and abstract patterns evoke images of sea foam crested ripples. The structure of a membrane becomes the salt water it could make potable.

This year’s Somerscience Festival at Haynes Motor Museum marked the start of this exciting collaboration. A workshop and discussions throughout the day explored how membranes can be made more efficient to purify the drinking water we take for granted.

Gareth Campbell, interdisciplinary artist and STEAM educator
Artist website

Founder of THE MoSAIC – a Museum of Science, the Arts & Interdisciplinary Collaboration