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Nature with us, not for us

Georgina Sowman


Research shows that the closer we get to nature, the happier we are, the more worthwhile life seems, and the more willing we are to take action to help our wildlife and the environment. In the context of the problems our climate and wildlife are facing, closer relationships with nature are more necessary then ever before.

A population that has a close relationship with nature and recognises their shared futures will greatly improve our ability to take meaningful action on the climate and improve the future for wildlife.

The changes that most need to happen are those inside us, with radical and fundamental shifts in how we think and feel about nature.


Dr Georgina Sowman,  GP, Sustainability Lead, and co-founder of Healthcare Ocean

Georgina is a collaborator on the Blue Health student programme at Bristol Medical School. She contributed her invaluable understandings and insights to both the preparatory arts-based sessions for the ‘Turning the Tide’ exhibition and the creative enquiry workshop at this Sustainability-themed academic medical conference.

Georgina also generously gave permission for her evocative photographic works to be shared. These powerful images contributed hugely to the themes which informed the conference curation and also enrich this online collection.