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10 Minutes

Lydia Wells


The message in this animation revolves around the clock on the wall. As the doctor asks the questions and the patient gives information the clock increases in size as the minute-hand moves towards the 2 – indicating 10 x minutes. The red colour of the clock is showing alarm as if ‘entering the danger zone’ – red having ‘stop’ symbolism as it is shows the consultation is running out of time. This highlights the fact that this GP is confined within a 10 x minute consultation window to find out – not just enough information to form a diagnosis – but also enough information to understand what is important to the patient, what their ideas, concerns and expectations are…. 

The thought bubbles increase as the consultation continues, highlighting the things left unsaid by the end of the consultation. This piece aims to highlight the pressure of this time-limit and aims to emphasise the struggle for both patient and doctor as they wish to continue talking and exploring.

This piece was inspired by the remote tele-consultations we observed during our GP placements.I decided to create this animation in a black, ink-drawing style with only the additional red of the clock to focus the attention on the time passing.This piece of work was completed using Procreate drawing application on an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil.


Effective Consulting, Year Two, 2021