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Damien Mony

I have chosen to illustrate the duty and burden the medical profession which not only emits a desire for resilience but an unquestionable need for it. This piece depicts the raw emotional strength required of a doctor which is conveyed by the muscular physique of the figure carrying his responsibility on his back. The figure’s responsibility is portrayed as the whole world which can be argued as an over exaggeration of a doctors onus, however it can also be argued that a patient’s life can be the entire world to a family member. This shows the amount of trust civilisation will place in the hands of a stranger it would not occur if they had any doubts surrounding the chosen individual’s resilience. I was inspired to draw this piece based on fairy tale from my youth in which Hercules was required to hold up the sky. I was astonished by his physical and emotional strength which I can now relate to a doctor. Furthermore, I believe this picture denotes the strain a doctor can feel with the world in their shoulders by having someone’s life in your hands. The physical condition of the character is a direct comparison with a doctor’s resilience refined and strong. It is obviously egotistical to compare a doctor with a god, however the underlying meaning of the image relates to some of their duties and issues they face.

Given the current reforms concerning the junior doctor contracts, I feel the matter of doctor suicide should not be neglected, especially at this time. It means that doctors will work longer hours so being disconnected from the support of their friends and family which can mentally drain them. This action continues to add the pressures of being a new doctor which only reinforces the notion of necessity for resilience and the importance of mind-body medicine to help cope with these changes. The importance of this cannot be understated to ensure patients reap the greatest benefits from their care. As I was researching for my artwork, I came across many ideas which depict very upsetting and dark images concerning doctor suicide and a lack of mental resilience. However, I chose not to go down this route because, despite the fact that it illustrates the truth of the matter, it does not promote a positive way to overcome the problem. I chose instead to draw an image showing a character overcoming their tribulations which endorses optimism in those who look at the image.

Whole Person Care, Year One, 2016