The Art of Medicine
The role of perception, presence, personalised approach and pattern recognition in patient consultations
The role of perception, presence, personalised approach and pattern recognition in patient consultations
‘I am not what I say or what I do or what I remember. I am fundamentally more than that’
A hospital visit to a friend profoundly altered bodily and mentally whilst being treated for an eating disorder
Dreams of dancing as a profession shattered by injury and a frank exploration of healthy and unhealthy embodiment within the discipline of dance
The poet processes her first time in the Dissection Room
Concern around physical and mental exhaustion impairing future sensitive communications with patients and relatives
Respecting the patient’s identity and emotions equally alongside of equal value in the face of clinical interventions
Processing the devastating impact of a diagnosis of clinical depression witnessed in a GP consultation through layers of painting
The irreversible effect of acute childhood illness on the family as a whole
An intricate, sensitive analysis of consultation objectives and provision of appropriate holistic support.
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