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Not sure how to react

Feelings inside, disarray, disjointed. Am I taking this the right way?
Definitely not taking this well, not right.
What was that thought?
Ashamed… is this what I’ve become. Jesus.
They definitely don’t behave like this in films. Films? This is real, wake up. This
should NOT need million-dollar scripting.
From the heart. Right.

Right, strong – get face composed… get composed man, sort it out.
Strong, be strong.
Better. Is it? I said strong not in denial.
Mild shame at own thoughts, why isn’t this at the fore?

Jesus, this is my mother. MY, MOTHER.
Jesus – good point, maybe its time to rediscover faith. Ridiculous, mis-guided action of the bereft worldwide. Although, can’t pray if you don’t believe. Helpless then.
Doesn’t matter, she believes that’s what counts.
Worried but not worried enough!!! What can I do?

Right, resilient mode. Show support, be… strong. For her? For Dad? Altruism. No.
selfish? For me then? Maybe. Who knows. Confused. BAD PERSON.
Bad person? No.
Maybe, maybe just lost, out of depth.
Trying to pretend its not there.

I wonder if I self-analyse too much…

This is as accurate an extract of a thought-process and flitting train of consciousness as I can congregate retrospectively and put down on paper. This internal monologue happened immediately after my mother told me she might have cancer, an event that sent me flying through a progression of emotions from confusion to profound self-doubt.

I found the experience of writing this poem an extreme release, having found little time for creativity over these past few years it was interesting to see what came out, especially from such a free style piece. I can also honestly say I found the experience nigh-on therapeutic.

Whole Person Care – Year One