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The Constant Carer

George Howell

Things changed in last October

Our lives collapsed into these four walls

And with it went the world and all its surprises

So that only routine remains

I will always love him

But now he is only a patient of disease

For there is nothing more but to survive

I do not condemn this

But what is wrong with me?

I am of health, if old

Though the demands I face are greater than ever

This is not my suffering

That machine has me shackled too

I am estranged from so many possibilities

And who am I to complain, this is my duty

This is his illness

The doctor likes to ask how I’m coping

Yet he is the sick one

But why then does it help

Sometimes I think that this is our illness

Mr and Mrs Jones* are an elderly couple who I visited during my GP placement.

Mr Jones suffered renal failure last year. He is treated with dialysis and is also relatively immobile due to problems with his hip. Consequently, Mrs Jones from whose point of view “The Constant Carer” is written, has to care for him full-time.

I found that I could identify with this, as it is very alike to the situation with my own grandparents where my grandmother cares for my terminally ill grandfather.

The most striking similarity between the two cases is that the carers are still very physically fit and healthy, yet their quality of life is restricted by how they support their spouse.

Mr Jones has dialysis administered three times a week in a clinic and if he misses one of these appointments then he becomes very ill. Therefore it’s essential that he is always available for them, so the couple are forced to stay at home and live the same routine all the time. As his hip makes it very difficult for Mr Jones to move, this routine involves Mrs Jones doing all the housework, grocery shopping and helping him to the toilet for example. She described it as a very heavy workload that is never ending. Although I could tell on my visit that Mrs Jones is very physically capable, this is still a demanding lifestyle for someone of her age.

Also, the way in which they are bound to their home prevents them from doing things they enjoyed such as seeing friends or going on holidays, which Mrs Jones told me she used to love.

My grandmother has a very similar role in her duty of care, and consequently I found that I could easily empathise with this. Consequently, when portraying it in the poem I thought about the shared traits that my grandmother and Mrs Jones have. I didn’t try to emphasise that their responsibilities in the household was what they resent, as from what I understand this is untrue and I feel this suggests they are annoyed by their good health and love for their husband. Instead I see that the focus of their distress from being a full-time carer is how it removes enjoyable parts of their lives, and does so without reward “But what is wrong with me?” (line 9).

When interviewing the Jones’s, Mrs Jones was very reserved about voicing any complaints concerning her duties. She seemed surprised whenever I directed questions at her, as if I would only be interested in talking to her husband. At first she tried to direct the attention away from herself but opened up more as the interview progressed. The impression this gave me was that she does not consider her own needs as comparable to her husbands, given that he is “the sick one”. She seemed to feel that as his wife, this workload in supporting him would only be expected. I also think she is not comfortable in getting outside assistance, for example, I asked if her family gave any help and she replied that they did but didn’t stress this as though it was more or less negligible.

This attitude must cause Mrs Jones to feel very isolated which will give her more grief “And who am I to complain, this is my duty” (line 15).

This contrasts with my grandparents’ circumstances and so I did not anticipate it – as I had done other aspects that featured in the interview. As a result, I think this evoked a deeper empathy from me, and is the subject of the last two verses of the poem. Consequently I found that whilst writing, I stressed the emotional aspect mostly, as I began the process of appreciating Mrs Jones’s helplessness.

I realised as I reflected and wrote the poem, that I feel as much sorrow for Mrs Jones as I would expect to for any chronically-ill patient. Hence I finish by suggesting her position of dis-ease makes her comparable to a chronic patient, such as for example, her husband – “Sometimes I think that this is our illness” (line 20).

*names changed to preserve student-confidentiality

Whole Person Care, Year One, 2010