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Homonymous Hemianopia

Francis Campbell

It’s hard to see what’s gong on
When half your vision’s gone.

The problem of course is worse for me
Being a bloke I stand and pee,

Homonymous Hemianopia they say I’ve got;
Basically my vision’s shot.

It’s to the left my problem lies
Whatever’s there is hidden from my eyes,

So I guess I should just take a seat
Instead of always getting it on my feet.

My aim is not what it always was.
I’ll have to give in soon because

The wife is saying I should just sit,
But that means I’d have to admit

To having a problem, not being able to,
Do all the things I used to.

I met a gentleman with a recent stroke who mentioned how toileting was difficult but managed to make light of the situation. I realized how important a sense of humour was to his way of living and I hope I conveyed a little of that in the above poem. The initial creative piece began a little cruder but did not do the patient justice and was unnecessary and so I changed it to its current for -m which I hope is palatable to all!
Francis Campbell, Whole Person Care, Year One, 2010