We Do Not Yet See Clearly But Hope is Gold
An evocative narrative, taking a universal approach to explore the role of hope within terminal illness
An evocative narrative, taking a universal approach to explore the role of hope within terminal illness
The desire to maintain heart-felt life-values across time
‘There will always be shadows on the land ..’ the dynamic balance between health and illness
A philosophical, systems-thinking exploration with global implications
Illustrating the futility of war, and its human cost
Exploring the complexities of the human mind in relation to therapeutics
Soldier confronted by desperate parents giving his water bottle to their child
After visiting a children’s cancer-ward in Malaysia – the author speculates about ‘the gateway between life and death’
Is death always a bad thing? The artist considers alternative viewpoints in context
A searingly honest account of a student’s attempts to make the transition from individuals to educational cadavers
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