2008 | New Work | 7 comments
The Eyes are the Window to The Soul
Frequently, beneath the physical problems presented by the patient, there is a backdrop of emotional trauma. Often it is in fact these psychological troubles that must be dealt with before the patient can recover from physical illness. Therefore the doctor relies heavily upon his/her ability to analyse a patient’s emotional state. Thus to be able to practice the art of medicine it is necessary to have the ability to read people’s unspoken feelings through their eyes.
The actual process of creating the piece was important, I spent time studying my friends’ eyes, and it was interesting to observe how they used their eyes to show the entire range of emotions; from happiness to embarrassment, to fear and, of course, depression. It also led me to study my own eye, in a sad expression, and doing this forced me to remember the times I have been upset and the reasons for past sadness. It was a therapeutic experience; a way of exploring and expressing my own emotions.
I find that creating art in general is refreshing for the mind. Writing poems or prose, painting and playing music all have the same effect. While creating art, your mind is keenly focused on the process of creation and on nothing else: as it has been said of music, it ‘release(s) you from the tyranny of conscious thought’ (Sir Thomas Beecham)
An emotional piece of work. I feel what the artist is trying to convey to the audience. I agree with the reflection too.
As someone who enjoys creating art, particularly drawing and painting faces, I was particularly affected by this piece. I think it is very well drawn, and wholly agree with the reflection, as the eyes mean so much for a face, a person’s expression, and their emotions.
An amazing drawing which really encapsulates the emotion and pain which can be portrayed by the eye- I think doctors and people in general could learn from this!
It’s a great piece of art, which along with the reflection really made me think a fresh about how we look at people; I had never consciously thought that the eye is both a window in as well as out. It’s very true that the eye gives a persons true emotions away and it’s important for doctors to remember this when meeting patients.
Simple yet powerful. I feel like this image is so attention grabbing and relatable as it conveys so much emotion through a feature that we all have, eyes.
This is a great piece of art.The eye is the looking glass with which we see the world, and people will see the world differently. The crying eye in this picture depicts how this person feels. I believe doctors should connect with a patient, by putting themselves in the position of that patient. They should try to see through the eyes of each patient, and really understand how that person feels about whatever problems they are facing (looking at).
I think this is a really great piece of art that illustrates just how much emotion can be conveyed through our eyes. The eyes are such a significant part of a person’s face and their expressions and no matter how much you try to disguise a feeling, the eyes will always show your true feelings. The reflection of this piece really highlights the importance of doctors not just hearing the words a patient says but trying to see things through the eyes of each patient in order to understand what they are really going through and their perspective on the situation. The eyes are not just a way of seeing the world but can allow doctors to try and see into the mind of a patient which was very effectively portrayed through this piece. Thank you