Reflecting on Grief
Recent family bereavement leads this artist to deeply process her hard-won philosophy around life and death – and that of patients
Giving and Receiving
Donorship – a circle of trust within medical education
The Role of Technology in Healthcare
When faced with the choice between traditional healthcare professionals and new artificial intelligence – who would you trust to be in charge of your care?
Hospital: A Living Architecture
Appreciation of hospital care by a close relative causes a student to consider this holistic clinical community
To be true to one another in the good times and in bad…
Hearts connect to maintain the pulse of recovery
The complex mind
A myriad of challenges to individualised, holistic care surface once mental stability is compromised
A student’s insight into the sensitive dialogue within consultation places due weight on the gifts of genuine authentic connection in healthcare
Organ Manufacture
Questions around the ethics of new technologies and a culture of throw-away organs
When Breath Becomes Air
A doctor’s transition to becoming a patient
A Bitter Pill
Young male suicide statistics triggered this joint exploration into the need for adequate support-systems to be in place – before crisis-points are reached
Love is Blinding: saving newborns’ sight
Global attitudes to sexual health under the microscope
Does the doctor take their patients’ challenges home or close this door at the surgery?
Human to Human
The in-the-moment challenges of juggling clinical and individual readings of a patient whilst developing clinical insights and consultation skills
Can They Feel The Change?
A haiku about anxiety in the current coronavirus pandemic
The Hand
Disembodiment following a stroke and the patient’s physical and emotional journey to recovery sensitively recorded and interpreted
Lost Identity
The cumulative impact being the prime-carer for others
Hand in Hand
A celebration of both individual difference and universal connection – front cover of an exploratory illustrated booklet
Leaking Identity
How much of the clinician’s personality is it appropriate to reveal in professional practices? – coming to terms with integrating ‘new’ roles
Primum non nocere: first do no harm
Tension between the will to ‘cure’ and treatment impairing the patient’s health
The chair-shaped space
Triangulating perspectives in GP consultations
Surface Anatomy
Students proposed the development of an app allowing patients to visually connect with inner body structures and together with the clinician, observing specific areas in detail
They Are the Brave
A deeply reflective analysis of patients’ vulnerability and hope within clinical care. Hard-won personal insight has integrated this tension in a simple, poignant and artful poem
Lost to Dementia
The role of memory within dementia
Exploring the intertwined role of clinical care and family support through flora
The Barrier of Medical Jargon
A plea for less clinical terminology used in consultations to build a more participatory relationship between clinicians and patients
To Act in the Best Interests of the Patient
The stressful impact of medical consultations on doctors.
The corridors of death
Clinical encounters during a child’s journey with a life-limiting disability raises questions around the dissonance of the hospital environment
Give me a Hand
Diverse quotes around the current healthcare profession in the public domain
Complexity and apathy around organ and whole-body donation
The Wait
The role of patient’s decisions around life-choices within palliative care
Reflections on the Human Form
Drawing on historical and current perspectives to exploring the richness of human form
Sewing yourself back together
Free-hand embroidery based on exploration of alternative therapies to support post-natal depression.
Beyond Physical Boundaries
The significance of giving space to the unknown in consultations
Under the Iceberg
Individual barriers to seeking clinical help