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Surface Anatomy

Freddie Renyard, Nydile Ramesh and Amy Roberts

This process superimposes medical imaging techniques onto individual anatomy. We were inspired by a member of our tutorial group’s experience of scoliosis surgery and the x-ray images she shared from her treatment. We thought this would be an excellent way to discover how surface anatomy links to the structures underneath.

This work was presented by Frederick, Nydile and Amy at a UoB/Bristol Museum and Art Gallery event ‘Leonardo: Between Art & Medicine’ led by the UoB History of Art Department in April 2019. The event included presentations from diverse disciplines, and ‘Surface Anatomy’ was later shared in a temporary exhibition alongside the touring ‘Leonardo’s Drawings’. Following informal viewing and discussion the students reported that members of the public asked predominately about having a mobile app which would employ a similar concept as ‘Surface Anatomy’ allowing them to ‘see’ into their bodies and observe particular structures in detail. They also thought this could be relevant educationally across generations and communities.

Group 19

These creative pieces were part of the annual collaborative presentations at the Year One Foundation of Medicine Conference, 2018.

Other group members included: Nicolas James Pugh, Ellie Pybus, Mariam Rama Javed, Alexandra Razumovskaya-Hough, Millicent Richardson, Renan Rivero, Niamh Roberts and Michaela Margaret Rogers.