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Blue Health Smiles

Emma Button


Bullrushes sway and whisper with the breeze on the Bure riverside

Lilies float and bob as graceful swans with fluffy cygnets pass by

Under the surface an otter quietly glides

Everything is so peaceful as the reed beds sigh

Harry the heron stalks snootily along and then stops stock still

Egyptian geese honk noisily, the scene no longer as tranquil

Anglers doze, dragonflies and swallow tails flit high

Later a marsh harrier swoops in wide blue sky

The moorhen fusses busily whilst she feeds tiny young

Happily, I sit watching it all in the warming sun


Sailboats, sails billowing, creak as they tack and jibe past

Mallards with their ducklings trailing behind paddling fast

Ice cream is making some children chatter excitedly

Long lazy days enjoying spending time so happily

Everyone benefitting from Blue Health


Emma Button, Year 3 Blue Health research programme, UoB 2023