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The Cap

Mal O’Donnell


I look like an astronaut
with this cap on my head
blasting off in Apollo 3
heading to deep space
that could be a good thing
instead of this place
to fly amongst the stars
without a care in the world
to have peace of mind
knowing you have left
all your troubles behind


coming back could be bumpy
but I wouldn’t mind that!
at least when it’s over
I could get rid of this
knowing that my hair
it is still with me
at the moment
something I just can’t say


but we will soon find
if it’s going to be
a hairdryer kind of day
or do I get the polish

Arts Contributor to the Living Alone with Cancer Experience led by Cardiff University School of Healthcare 2016-2018.
Mal was also a patient and public involvement advisor throughout this project – funded by Tenovus Cancer Care: