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Mal O’Donnell
It’s hard to find love
on show in this place
backs against the wall
stiff upper lip
don’t let your emotions
start to slip
if the floodgates start to open
you know they won’t stop
we must stick together
before we go over the top
let’s talk about the weather

it really looks like a nice day
but don’t look too far ahead
storm clouds could be gathering
inside your head
I can’t stand next to you or you or you
and invade your space
the subject you really want to talk about
it is written all over your face
all the words fly around
we are just wasting time
but that’s just what they are
so, we can slowly move up
to the front line
when our names are called
no words left to say
we are going over the top
to find out
if it really is a sunny day

Mal selected this Drawing by John Nash: ‘Stand To’ Before Dawn to accompany his work.
© IWM Art.IWM ART 3920

The waiting room or the outpatients in a cancer hospital are not like any other hospital. There is only one reason people are there, just saying the word is enough to frighten most people, but attending a cancer hospital over months and years can really wear you down. I wrote this poem hoping to convey how hard it can be for people to show how they really feel, in a room filled with fear, anxiety, stress, hopes, doubts and wishes, while waiting for good news or bad.

Arts contributor to the Living Alone with Cancer Experience research led by Cardiff University School of Healthcare 2016-2018.
Mal was also a patient and public involvement advisor throughout this project – funded by Tenovus Cancer Care: