Conception, birth, life itself is encapsulated in a budding heart/flower/petals meaning both a new heart beginning to pump and a new flower budding – Awesome!
LIFE – Birth itself will mark us, and as we grow and learn, we discover much and have all sorts of experiences.
These experiences are bound together as in a tapestry or a patchwork, bound together by the thread, the thread of life, the decisions, the challenges, the experiences and the lessons we choose to take from them.
In this piece these experiences are represented by the colourful pieces of fabric coming towards the central heart – making the tapestry of life. As in this artwork, all our experiences are different, some great, some sad, some even horrible, as we live – then they touch us, they mark us, ever changing us, ever moving us in a continuous journey, a journey of re-birth – always connected to the Almighty, to the beginning and to the end by our umbilical cord the golden thread.
Ultimately we may choose to be a bright patchwork or maybe a soft and mellow one. Nonetheless, WE make the decisions how we want to make our life’s patchwork and that is AWESOME!
I like how you found the meaning in that random pattern and didn’t just create it, just like how conception is initially very random. The explosion of colour contrasted by the black really emphasizes the beauty of life and new beginnings, and not only that but also the variety and diversity of the journey of life. Truly an “AWESOME” and expressive piece of art.