This Family and Other Drugs
An other-worldly moment when communication challenges post-stroke dissolve in an integrated, multi-sensory experience
An other-worldly moment when communication challenges post-stroke dissolve in an integrated, multi-sensory experience
A deeply reflective analysis of patients’ vulnerability and hope within clinical care. Hard-won personal insight has integrated this tension in a simple, poignant and artful poem
A broad view of the hidden, visceral impact of diagnosis on the patient, family and extended community-potentially mis-interpreted as dis-engaged during the emotional process of adjustment
The role of memory within dementia
Exploring the intertwined role of clinical care and family support through flora
The challenges of describing physical symptoms verbally
A plea for less clinical terminology used in consultations to build a more participatory relationship between clinicians and patients
The privilege of receiving the patient’s heart and soul
A GP consultation inspired exploration into the cultural stigma and emotional impact of infertility
The stressful impact of medical consultations on doctors.
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