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The Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Thomas Hodgson

The aim of the sketch is to show that you need to look deeper into a person to see how they are truly affected by a disease and not just accept what is on the surface; in the same way an X-ray looks past the skin and tissue to show you the real cause of the problem. Furthermore, an X-ray is just a test to help with diagnosing the disease; it is just one part of the investigation that needs additional information from the patient’s history and examination to back up the diagnosis. On its own it may not be enough to tell someone they have rheumatoid arthritis. I have explored this holistic concept to highlight the need to take different sources of information into consideration – because in isolation nothing serves as definitive proof for the occurrence of disease and its extensive ramifications. Completing this image made me think about what it must feel like to have a disease like rheumatoid arthritis and how a person must feel to see their life go in a direction they weren’t intending.
Whole Person Care, Year One, 2014