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Songs of Courage

Seyi Bamigboye

My creative reflective piece ‘Songs of courage’ is inspired by the songs that were written by the patients of the music therapist who lead a session during the Exploring art in health and illness course. We listened to songs, one created by a little girl who had lost her grandfather but hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye and another by a woman who was dying, and also watched recordings of music therapy sessions with partially immobilised patients.

It was interesting to hear how music therapy sessions had touched these patients in various ways. In one case this helped to cope with bereavement, in another the patient was able to voice the frustration she felt with her condition but also the distance this had put between her and the people around them. In latter’s song she asks for support and lets the listener know that it is ok if they don’t have all the answers. These people used music to voice their emotions and their struggles and that really connected with me.

I love how the music sessions could appeal to people going through different situations. I feel that a range of emotions and ideas can be demonstrated through music which is versatile by its very nature.

In my poem I applaud the bravery necessary to reach out and allow the music to be a medium to do so. I relate musical themes and instruments to marching into a battle to reflect the act of engaging in the therapy session. I think that music therapy acts as a bridge between a person and their emotions; the act of creating the music specifically frees up the minds to explore what is rather than try to fit into a mould of what should be.

Medical Student at Queen Mary, University of London, Creative Arts in Health and Illness elective, 2013

Violin: Last accessed 10/03/2014 Saxophone: Last accessed 10/03/2014 Drums: Last accessed 10/03/2014