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Life… injecting it or sucking it away?

Sarah Bingham

During my G.P Attachment, a patient who was on methadone maintenance treatment came to the surgery. At one point, heroin had become her life; it was the only thing she lived for every day. But now she realizes that instead of enhancing her life and taking away the pain, it was gradually ruining her life, stripping it of everything that mattered to her, until all that was left was her addiction.

I wanted to portray this in a painting. I focused on the idea of a syringe being able to inject and suck, in the same way that the liquid in the syringe (heroin) was injecting a new lease of life into this girl whilst simultaneously sucking it out of her. I used newspaper letters to make the writing stand out over the oil painting and I chose to write a question so that the viewer has to make up their own mind about the scenario being shown.

GP Attachment