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Samantha Bandara
“God’s going to take him tonight….all I can do is hold his hand and let him know he’s not alone”

Despite knowing that medical intervention would be of benefit, his doctors had to respect his wife’s decision to sign the DNR forms. He passed away that night, with her by his side.

I met this couple during my care of the elderly attachment. This man had suffered from a stroke and rapidly deteriorated. His wife, a devout Christian, strongly believed that it was her husband’s time to go and requested the suspension of treatment for recent onset of pneumonia, I was privileged to sit in the consultation with his wife and observe the discussion. After this meeting I visited this couple on numerous occasions not only because of my interest in this case but also to observe how the medical team handled this situation.

After chatting about my love of photography she asked me to take photos of her husband for memories of their last moments together. I told her about my creative assignment and she was very keen for me to use the images. I also gained consent from her regarding the possible publication.

The night this photograph was taken he passed away. I was very moved by this couple’s situation and also by the excellent way in which the medical team respected his wife’s views.

Whole Person Care, Year One