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U.B.H.T Lost Property

Robert Colaco

The comic I have drawn illustrates a common feeling experienced by patients upon entering and during their stay at hospital – the loss of identity.

All of a sudden you become a statistic and a disease state: one less free bed. You are stripped of your clothes and hosed down. A mandatory backless gown is tied around your throat and you are taken to your cell/ward and left to introduce yourself to any of the other inmates/patients – who let’s face it, could be total nutters! Those who are seen to be particularly dangerous/contagious are locked in solitary confinement/quarantine for a period of time – length depending on how bad/ill they have been. The officers/consultants are cynical know-it-alls, bur its best not to get on their nerves – they run this place you know! Fortunately you can get your identity back along with any other personal items when you are discharged/get parole. But it is hard on the outside, there can be a lot of stigma-making jobs hard to come by sometimes, your parole officer/G.P. can help you out with any little problems however.

Whole Person Care