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Helping Hands

Alexander Glover

I chose to photograph a scene exploring the idea that after a long stay in hospital, people easily became institutionalized, leading to difficulty when planning for discharge. I wanted the image to represent a person who has been in hospital for a long period of time – following a fall or stroke perhaps – and wanted to show ‘helping hands’ aiding her with her self-care and feeding. I avoided showing her body as I wanted it to appear like she has no need for it anymore as these helping hands are doing it all for her. It appears that in the long run, these faceless hands are doing quite the opposite of what they intended to do and are not helping but rather hindering her independence and her ability to look after herself at home. My experience showed me that this was a big problem for the rehabilitation teams. There would come a time where the medical staff have fulfilled their roles and the therapists would take over but in the interim period the patients would often find themselves in the situation depicted above having everything done for them and becoming thoroughly bored as a result. The creative process was rather enjoyable, utilizing several of my housemates’ hands and props from throughout the house.
Whole Person Care