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Broken Machine

Madeleine Love

My piece “Not just a broken machine” is based on my thoughts about what a long-term in-patient’s attitudes may be towards their healthcare team. I could imagine being stuck in the same bed all day, seeing different unfamiliar faces pass by, constantly twisting valves or tapping numbers into monitors. I felt like you could eventually feel like you were “invisible” and were merely an object under observation. In my piece “ Not just a machine”, I have tried to capture this emotion. The engine represents the patient as a broken “puzzle”, I drew in what I would consider to be “personal items” around all the equipment, i.e. her slippers, cards and flowers. I felt this gave an element of humanity to the piece, reminding us once more that the patient is not just a broken object, but a person, with a favourite colour, a personality and a life story.
Whole Person Care, Year One, 2010