We are developing a programme of on-line exhibitions based on current healthcare issues/interests. These bespoke collections will include artworks from the current archive, call-out submissions plus externally-sourced creative contributions.
We look forward to hosting inter-disciplinary debate and sharing clinical and community resources through on-line forums.
‘CLOUDS’ : Now in a time when covid-19 becomes endemic, with no legal requirement to self-isolate, the CLOUDS installation and online presence provides a perfect opportunity to bring people together from healthcare, student communities and the general public, to share and co-develop perspectives around well-being.
UoB Medical students Yvonne, Rosemary, Sophie along with Oinehart, a Music & Sound student, co-developed this installation. The multi-media immersion aims to raise awareness of the importance of self-care, resilience and highlight the role of the Arts in positive embodiment whilst facing the challenging and distressing periods in life. Arts and Health consultants also supported this enterprise.
Upcoming Exhibition: Turning the Tide
In October 2024 we will be showcasing Turning the Tide – exploring water’s role in sustaining health for global and community futures – a multimedia enquiry and collaboration between arts and science, evidence and practice, medicine and ecology. This exhibition was part of a programme for the SAPC Annual Conference hosted by Bristol Medical School this summer. The upcoming, extended, online curation provides a collaborative, international forum and an arts-based resource around Blue Health.
Un/Stuck: Creative Explorations of Negative Thinking – a collaboration led by University of Bristol School of Psychological Science, with OTR (a Bristol-based young people’s mental health charity) and the McPin Foundation (a national organization working to transform mental health research). This project fore-fronts young people as co-researchers ‘giving voice’ to their experiences of living alongside negative thinking through creative methods and materials.
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Turning the Tide
Bristol Medical School is committed to helping our future doctors become ‘ocean and water literate’ and hopes this ongoing, online resource will contribute to the growing research around ‘Blue Health’…

A multi-media interactive installation and creative enquiry around arts and well-being

Our First Year Heard (OFYH)
Creative responses to the impact of the pandemic on medical education.

To See Oursels
Insights into the pleasures and predicaments of contemporary clinical practice through artistic works of medical students and patients.

Identity: Crisis
Student creative pieces from the 2020 Intercalated B.A. in Medical Humanities